How to Build Relationships by Sending Greeting Cards - Part 2!
We have already established in part 1 that one very simple and cost-effective way of enhancing relationships is to send greeting cards to people. Sending a card expresses a deeper level of caring than an email, an e-card or even a phone call. Follow the steps below to create awesome lasting relationships and ultimately boost your sales. Enhancing Your Business Whether you are a mom running a home-based business, a high-priced attorney or CEO, sending greeting cards are a great way to build relationships. As any good business person knows, a good friendship, trust and relationship in business leads to better results! If someone has a solid relationship with you, they are more willing to purchase from you. This extends to everyone you know and have dealings with: your doctor, dentist, attorney, your librarian, neighborhood friends, business contacts and more. Let them know that they are in your thoughts. Dale Carnegy, in his classic book...