Vintage Faberware Coffee Maker

It's amazing to me what people throw out! I found this complete vintage coffee maker on the side on the road in a "free" pile. I'm actually quite thankful for this piece. Its complete - wire/cord, coffee basket and pump, and although I do have a Keurig machine, I do not always use because its hard on the environment. (All those pods!) That, and I've got a bunch of yummy coffee I brought back from Hawaii that I've been enjoying with this little guy. After and since I brought it home, cleaned it up and sanitized the pump and coffee basket and plugged 'er in, I've been able to enjoy my ground coffee in vintage and practical style. :-) I've also found that, unlike the Keurig machines, you can control exactly how strong you want your coffee. Its cheaper to own a regular coffee maker as well because you just buy the ground coffee in bulk and you're set.

If you're interested in owning your own Faberware percolator, you can find them at most major online stores such as Sears, Macy's, and JC Penney. Or, if you have a knack for searching for and finding things that may not always come complete, you can find replacement parts at various places online. Just make sure to give the correct model number!


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